Black and white design resembling sharks teeth. Part of the Kaffe Fassett Collective, by Brandon Mably. Perfect for quilting, patchwork, bag making, apparel and more.
Fabric designed by Brandon Mably, one of the three designers who are part of the Kaffe Fassett Collective.
According to author/designer and mentor Kaffe Fassett, Mably has "one of the sharpest eyes for style" that he has ever come across. With no formal education in design, Mably made a radical career change from cooking to knitting in the late 1980s after a chance meeting with the world-famous Fassett. From the moment he entered Fassett's studio, Mably realized the creative potential of knitwear designs and soon became Fassett's apprentice.
For many years Mably organized the running of the Fassett studio, where Fassett trained him to knit, needlepoint, hook rag rugs, and grout mosaics. An inspiring teacher, Mably began travelling the world with Fassett doing workshops.